Since returning from Europe last November we have had our fair share of rain, so I thought the most productive thing to do was to train, and train some more. The thing I didn’t count on was completing my program twice over and still waiting for the rain to stop. When are the heavens going to run out of cats and dogs? Surely there isn’t an endless supply up there!

Simon built me a super steep system board, it’s 50 degrees overhanging and my H.I.T. strips deal out the punishment. I was able to recycle boards that I had 12 years ago, that explains the gecko.

Coco is also getting into it and has taken on the role of my personal trainer, she is a hard task master and is constantly cracking the whip for me to crank out a few more reps. Thanks coach, I know it will make me stronger!

come on mummy... thirty seconds to go

higher, faster, keep em straight, give me eight more...

here let me help you with that

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